Convert Cmyk to HunterLab

Enter values for an Cmyk to convert it to HunterLab, or vice versa.

0 to 1
0 to 1
0 to 1
0 to 1
0 to 100
-128 to 128
-128 to 128


Cmyk is similar to the Cmy color space, with the addition of black (k). In theory the black component is not necessary, however this color space is primarily used in color printing where the mixture of cyan, magenta, and yellow result in a brown color rather than black.

We'll be adding support for ICC profiles to this page soon, but it's already available on our color converter page.


HunterLab is similar to Cie-L*ab. Both are based on Xyz but HunterLab's color coordinates are based around a square root transformation rather than a cube. is Proudly Sponsored By:

Nix Sensor Banner

If you're into color, color theory or design you should definitely check out the award winning Nix Color Sensor. It really is a game changing tool!

Looking for the code?

All calculations were doing using the open source ColorMine library.

The code used for the Cmyk and HunterLab conversions can be found on Github:

Conversion Example:

var cmyk = new Cmyk();
var hunterlab = cmyk.To<HunterLab>();

Color conversions performed using the open source ColorMine library. is Proudly Sponsored By:

Nix Sensor Banner

If you're into color, color theory or design you should definitely check out the award winning Nix Color Sensor. It really is a game changing tool.

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